My dad, Darion, Jesse and I woke up (really) early on Friday morning to go to St. Joseph, Jesse bowled at 8am. St. Joseph is 1 hr where I live. So it didn't take too long. We stopped at McDonald's for breakfast, then we were on our way to the bowling alley. After everyone bowled, we all went to lunch to a restaurant I've never been. The service was ok, but the food was good. Dad and I went to the opening ceremony. It was fantastic, also had a magician, SOMO cheerleaders. It was so great.
On Saturday, my team and I woke up early, because we played basketball. I was really tired, no kidding, but I got up and got ready, I got up before my alarm went off lol. After the basketball tournament, my team got 3rd place, Darion's team got 1st and my brother's team got 2nd. My dad, Darion, and my brother went home that early afternoon, I stayed, and went to the dance. It was really fun. I saw some my friends, and that is always good, it's really good when you see someone you haven't seen in a couple of years. Took some funny pics.
That night, my brother (other) picked me up (he came from the airport) and we went home, didn't get home until 12am o so. But I had a fun time at the dance and a fun weekend!

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