Last night I set my alarm at 5:30am, but I didn’t get up until 6am. Oops! Got everything prepared and did last minute packing. I made sure I didn’t forget anything. Winston and Henry knew something was going on, they followed me everywhere I went, except the car, Henry does not like the car: it’s 6:42am, I’m on my way to the KCI (airport) flying to Washington DC with Meagan (Special Olympics Missouri staff). We are attending the Capitol Hill Day! Im excited and nervous the same time. But I’m mostly really excited about it! I’m excited to meet new people and meet some of the legislators and senators. I’ll be sharing my story around health and where I would like to see it go, how long I’ve been in special Olympics, what I am involved in, why it is important to me.
This will be my 2nd time flying without my family. I’m on the plan with Meagan, I’m ready for the flight!
Whoa what a day! It’s 5:42pm, eating dinner, we’ve been in break out sessions all day, learned some awesome information, getting prepared for tomorrow. For lunch I had Cesar grilled chicken salad, it was really good! I saw some of my friends I met at the health messenger training I did a few months ago, so that assured me. I’m tired, I’m ready for bed. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow! I’m staying at the Capitol Hill Hotel.
February 12, 2019 (Tuesday)
This morning my alarm went off at 7am. I got ready for the day and Meagan and I went to the lobby to eat breakfast. Got everything prepared and got on the bus to go to the Capitol. On the bus I met someone who watches my healthy tips on Wednesday’s. So that’s nice that people watch my videos, it made me feel good! It’s 10am, just got done with me first meeting, it felt good! I was a little nervous, but I think I did a okay job, I keep telling myself, that was my practice. On my way to the next one! The second one went better! Waiting on my next one!
I saw the last person at 3:15pm. Whoa!! What a long day but a FUN day at the Capitol of DC! I’ve meet 6 representatives and 1 senator! I told all of them of my story, and how Special Olympics has changed my life and how healthy athletes has changed my life for the better! Let me tell you the Capitol is AMAZING! The first time I told my story, I was a little nervous, but with every meeting, I got a little better, and the last meeting was the best one! I’m getting better at this! The Capitol was a busy place today, a lot of people was in the building, I’m glad I didn’t have to do by myself, because I would get lost! Oh and don’t worry, I got pictures!! It’s 6:55pm, got done with dinner and the close ceremony, saw Tim Shriver, Mary Davis, and it was a fantastic evening, for dinner I had Cesar salad, some reason I wasn’t too hungry.
February 13, 2019
This morning I woke up at 5:30am, did last minute packing and got ready for the flight on the way home. It’s 6:52am, just went through security, every time I go through it, it gets more easy and I have less anxiety, so that’s a good thing!

Oh wow, what a great experience I just endured! I got to meet with 6 representatives and 1 senator from Missouri! I told them about my health story and how Special Olympics changed my life for the good! I got to see some of my health messenger friends and got to meet new people as well! The food was pretty good! The Capitol was HUGE, much bigger than the Capitol on Jefferson City! I got some awesome pictures as well, Megan helped me with that! Megan (who is a Special Olympics Missouri staff) was a big help for me, she gave me guidance and insurance when I needed it! So I really appreciate it! Before I went on this trip, I really didn’t know what to expect ( like in anything new), I was also worried, because when I normally go to the Capitol Hill in Jefferson City, my dad usually do the talking, but this time I did it! Once when the day went on I got better with my speech, but yet I was still nervous (I was nervous that I would forget what to say) but I think I did pretty good! I’m very grateful that I got this experience and I’m SO grateful for Special Olympics and Special Olympics Missouri!! It would be better if it didn’t rain, but it’s Mother Nature!