What a FUN weekend a endorsed!
(Friday 3-29-19)
Mid-day, my family and I drove to St. Joseph for Special Olympics Missouri Indoor Games! Jesse, Darion and I are competing in basketball. It snowed slightly when we were driving. I listened to music, and Jesse was watching movies on his tablet. And mom and dad was talking. It didn't seem to take long to get there. My brother and his family (who lives in Iowa) met us

at the hotel. We all stayed at Hampton INN. I think that's dad's favorite hotel. lol. After dinner we went to the civic center for the opening ceremonies. They had dancers, and they were good. I got everything ready for the next day and settled down for the night and went to bed. Some of my family went to the hot tub. I'm glad they enjoyed themselves.
(Saturday 3-30-19)
Mom and I got up early so I could have time to eat breakfast before my first game. My brother and my nephew and niece ate breakfast with us. They wore the shirts my parents made for the National Games in July. So, I thought that was very touching! When I got to the gym, I recognized the building and saw my team. There were games going on, so I watched them. I always enjoy watching other teams, so I can learn some basketball moves! lol. Before I knew it, it was time to stretch and get ready for my first game. The first game was a hard one! I think no one was fully awake, so we didn't play our best. The other team was way more skilled then us, but we tried our best and that's what counts! I enjoyed hearing my family cheering me on! After my first game, my family went to see Jesse's game. My second game started early then I supposed too, so that was good. WE played much better in that one! We all made baskets, I made some steals, and a 3 pointer! I didn't make the second shoot but I was really happy that I made the first one!! The team who we played against had some players who has some difficulties, so we let them to make some baskets, it made me REALLY happy when they made baskets, it makes my heart so happy when I see that happen! We beat them, and we got THIRD place (Bronze) It was a fun day! After we got done with the medals and the main coach said a few words, I rode the van with my coach, to go to see my brother play, but we were a little late. But I still got pictures of my brother getting his medals. when a SOMO staff came to the same gym, and I knew it was time for me to go to work lol. I signed up to take pictures or help SOMO to take pictures with an fancy camera (and I really enjoyed it) It was so much fun taking pictures and using the zoom on the camera! After my shift, my family and I went to the Civic center and went through the SOMO store, healthy athletes. I wanted my uncle (Darion) to go through. So, we all went though. Jesse and I did an interview with the local TV station. So, that was cool. For dinner, they served us BBQ sandwich, chips, mash potatoes, green beans and a choice of cookie or a piece of cake. Another athlete leader and myself got some athletes to go to thee athlete input council. What is athlete input council, good question! It's where athletes can share what they liked and what they didn't like about that weekend (State competition) I've heard this year is the first year that we had that many athletes attend that council, so I was glad to hear that! The favorite part of state competition, is the DANCE! It was awesome, I got to see some of my friends and got to catch up with them! I danced with my teammates, and I really enjoyed seeing them smile!
What did I like about this weekend?
I liked that I believed in myself so I could make a 3 pointer basket, made some steals in basketball and seeing my friends. I recruited another athlete to go to ALPs (Athlete Leadership Programs) so I was happy about that and she also wants to go to Sports camp...SO that's a plus!!
What I didn't like about this weekend?
Well this isn't what I didn't like...this is mostly what I missed...I missed the music at the opening ceremonies, I missed seeing the athletes smiles and dancing.