Sunday, July 29, 2018
Softball North Area Tournament 7-28-18
Yesterday my family and I drove to Savannah Missouri so Lone Jack Thunder Chickens (Jesse and mine team) could compete in softball. We all played very well. Jesse got a few runs and I got 1 run in our two games. We lost our two games, so we got 3rd place. We also saw some of team MO 2018 teammates, so that was very nice! It was like a little reunion. Special Olympics Missouri announced the athlete who is going to the World’s games in Dhabi. He’s name is Collin and he will be competing in bocce.(he also competed at National Games) I’m SO happy for him! It will be held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates from March 14–21, 2019. It was a long day, but a fun one!! Now our next tournament is in Lee’s Summit Missouri at the end of August. Bocce will be starting soon, Jesse and I will miss our first practice, because we are going on a family vacation to Estes Park, Colorado. I did take a few pictures yesterday. Please enjoy! I also mentioned to my parents and to one of the coaches I know, the medals we received looks very small compared to the medals we got at nationals!

Monday, July 9, 2018
The Games are over 7-9-18
OK WOW! What a great week I just experienced, not only I had some laughs (will talk about it later) but I also surprised myself, and I watched my other teammates on the athletic's team, saw how they grew in a year!

Pins Jesse had collected

Jesse’s medals, 3 bronze and 1 gold!
First thing first, What I been doing since I got home from the games, I tried to sleep in the first morning I returned, that didn’t happen! I woke up at 7am! That wasn’t in my plans. So I decided to get ahead start on the laundry. I also unpacked my pack pack and my suitcase, let me tell you...that was SO much fun....NOT! It’s still in my room, on the floor! I guess I need to work on that, one job at a time! I also showed my medals off at my grandma’s. Jesse didn’t bring them to my grandma’s. I also showed them to my neighbor! She was SO shocked how big there were! Believe it or not, I was too when I saw them first! I was like....OH MY GOSH! The last past two days I been sorting my state pins I traded with other states, and I finally figured out that I’m missing only 4 pins, I think that’s pretty good for my first time. I’m missing Utah, South California, District of Columbia (that was a hard one) and Georgia.
My thoughts of the USA games:
So when the team (Kansas City group) got on the plane, I had butterflies in my stomach, it wasn’t because of the plane ride, it was because, well I get nervous when I compete, I wish I didn’t. And if I get nervous I won’t perform the best. So that’s why I was nervous on the plane. My goal was to show myself and my state, what I can do, and what I can accomplish! And that’s what I did! Before I competed in my events, I took deep breaths (couple of them), say in my head (that I can do it), (and this is what I’ve been training for a year for) and that helped me a lot! Plus my coaches gave me right words I was looking for. The competitions was even match. I felt really good about that. The Opening and the Closing Ceremonies was great, great music! The only thing I didn’t like, it was a big crowd. It was too much for me, but I think I handled it pretty well. It was really nice to meet other athletes from each state. I even became friends with some!
After the USA games:
When we aboard the plane to Kansas City, I was SO tired, but I didn’t sleep on the plane, my brother did. I slept on the bus. When we got off the plane, I was so shocked how many people I saw that cheered for us! That was awesome! I was so happy that I saw my aunt and my little cousin. Went to claim our bags, they were a lot of bags! Helped to get other bags, and found jesse’s and mine. Said goodbye to everyone, I tried really hard not to cry, but I felt sad, but I know I’ll see them at State Competitions. I will definitely miss the monthly meetings and socialize with these great group of people, not just the athletes but the coaches as well. On our way home, I saw a van parked in our property, it has welcomed sign, that was SO awesome!
My goals after USA games:
I’ve decided to make goals for myself, I really think this will motivate me, I decided to keep working out and eating healthy, still doing blogs posts, go to the World's games, maybe go to another National games in the future, and keep in touch with my team MO 2018 family.
Top 7 highlights of the week of the USA games:
1. won GOLD in my 100 meter run
2. When Brett scared the coaches and me (we were having a race, who would get on our floor first, us or Brett, we took the elevator.
3. Beating all of my scores in all of my events
4. Trading pins with every state (almost every state)
5. Experienced the best time of my life, I will never forget it!
6. I was so happy that I got gold on my 100 meter run, I ran and gave a big hug to coach Michelle!
7. Having all of my Canadian family to support my brother Jesse and I
7. Having all of my Canadian family to support my brother Jesse and I
Thank You’s:
I would like to say a BIG thank you to all of my family, friends, and my local and USA games coaches, for giving me this chance and supporting me in the past year.
And a BIG thank you to the Specail Olympics Missouri staff, without you, and this organization I wouldn’t have experienced this great journey, and having faith in me and believing in me.
I will continue to train and aim for World’s Games one day, maybe one day I can go, then my dreams will be fulfilled!
The State Pins I've collected |
the track and field team got a picture with an ESPN reporter |
Getting my gold medal in the 100 meter run |
Doing the shot put |
Getting my silver medal in the running long jump |
Giving a hug to one of my competitor, she is from Arkansas |
Giving a plague to the Athletic's inc at the send off party on 6-29-18 |
With our host at the send off party at Kansas City |
Team MO 2018 at National Games at Seattle!! |
The whole team MO with Susan Shaffer and with Mark Rosso |
With some athletes at opening ceremony |
Waving to my family and coaches at the stands, before I competed in the running long jump |
Competed in running long jump |
Mary and I said the MO cheer while we got our medals |
Running my 100 meter run |
Jody (power-lifter) and I at 4th of the July party |
My medals Bronze (200 meter run) Gold (100 meter run) Silver (running long jump) and silver (shot put) |
So happy to see my uncle and my cousin |
Releasing the balloons |
Pins Jesse had collected
Jesse’s medals, 3 bronze and 1 gold!
Sunday, July 8, 2018
Day Seven and Day Eight 7-6-18 and 7-7-18
Oh wow what’s great week of my first experiences at Specual Olympics USA Games! This post will be my last and final post about this journey I embarked on. But don’t worry, I’ll still blog about events and what I’m doing with SOMO!
7-6-18 Getting Awards/ Closing Ceremonies
So we are getting our last awards today, I’m getting my bronze in the 200 meter run, then later today we have the closing ceremony! The music was fantastic! It was at a park like. There were a lot of people there! Helped Jesse find more state pins! Went back to our dorm, and I needed help with packing, went to bed! What a long day it was! But very fun!
7-7-18 Departure from Seattle to KCI
Woke up this morning around 6am, woke up and went to breakfast, came up to our rooms after breakfast and got our belongs, said goodbye to coach Curt, Coach Emily, and Emily (athlete). Got on the bus and go to the airport, I slept on the bus! I forgot to take my anxiety med for the security part, but I think I handled it pretty well! Waited for our plane. I wanted to sleep but I couldn’t, but Jesse did! Took some awesome pics of the clouds, they look like cotton balls lol. The plane trip was almost 3hrs. Found out that athlete (TY) was moving to Wyoming, So that was a little shock for me, but I said goodbye to him.
Ok I got home yesterday, in the early evening, when we got off the plane, we had a huge crowd of people to welcome us! What a treat that was!! Got our luggage and said our goodbyes, and my granddaddy, aunt and my cousin picked us up and having dinner at my grandmas. When we passed our house, there was a sign saying welcome home on their van. That was neat! For dinner we have ribs, salad, pasta salad. Went home and unpacked, Henry was so happy to see me! Went to bed, I was really tired!
Friday, July 6, 2018
Day Six: Competition 4 (7-5-18)
So I woke up at 5:30am. Today Shaquana and I compete in shot put. That’s our last event for the whole games. The relay competes today. I’m excited to watch them. We are at the track and Dustin is the first one to compete, he will also being be doing the mini javelin. It’s 4:21pm. I feel like I did a really good job with my shot put. I got 2nd place!! I threw it 6 meters!! I just got my award for the 200 meter run and I got bronze!! Tonight we are watching the Seattle Mariners vs Los Angels! I got Nebraska pin, I need one more, then I’m done!

Wednesday, July 4, 2018
Day Five: Competition Day 3 (7-4-18)
So here is the recap from yesterday’s competing day. Jesse got 2nd in 50 meter run, and 3rd in standing long jump. Shaquana got 6th in 100 meter run, Brett got 4th in 800 meter run, Mark got 4th in shot put and got 7th in 200 meter run. Dustin got 3rd in 200 meter run.

I woke up at 6am this morning. I’m so glad I slept in today! Happy 4th of July to everyone and my friends. It’s 8:08am, just finished breakfast: I have one event today, and it’s 200 meter run. I’m not going to lie.....I’m nervous about my 200 meter run. But I’m going to give it all I have! Before I went to check in, coach Emily gave me some insurance, and I really needed that! I just finished my 200 meter run, and I got 3rd place. Mary got 1st, she was in my heat. Team MO athletics took medals home!! Woohoo! I got bronze, my time was 37 seconds. I beat my score they turned in by three seconds! Mary got 1st and her time was 34 seconds. Shaquana did the mini javelin and she got 1st place. Brett did running long jump. It’s 2:13pm, Shaquana, Emily and Jesse got there free shoes, Shaquana got the same colors I got lol. Jesse’s are pretty neat too! It’s 9:30pm and I just got back from the 4th of July family outing. I felt a little uncomfortable, probably because I’m not used to that many people in one place. But when I saw my family, I felt much better! My little niece and my little nephew came down to dance with me and my teammates, and they really liked it! Tomorrow is my last event and that is shot put, after that I’m done! Happy 4th of July! Oh! And I got a pin, New Hampshire.
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