So today was the Kansas City Metro Polar Plunge!! What a great turn out we had!! So many people, so many awesome costumes, I also heard the water was warmer than last year! so that's good. There were some other athletes were there are on Team MO. Some of the athletes judged the costumes and that was fun! The person who dressed up as a unicorn got 1st place. So that was awesome! All of the athletes that came to help were the people who hold the towels while the people who did the plunge, went into the water and rushed back to get their towels. We had laundry baskets where we hold the towels. I was amazed how many people there were. It was a fun day!! Can't wait until next year, I'm planning to do it in 2019!! Woohoo! And maybe I can get some of my church family to do it as a group. Oh they had like a little plunge for the little ones, which is called pee-wee plunge. That was fun to watched, pics are below, please enjoy!
Today was Kansas City Metro Area Basketball tournament in Belton. I been looking forward to this tournament ever since I've started to play basketball this season. I really enjoy playing basketball, and i'm also excited to see some other of my friends who also is playing basketball today. My first game is at 9:30am, but I have to be there 15 mins early before that. Darion's team (Lee's Summit Warriors) is at 8:15am. My brother's (Jesse) first game is at 2pm. (lucky him) lol. My second game is at 1:15Pm, Darion's second game is at 1:15pm and Jesse's second game is at 3:30pm. It was a fun and long day! I really enjoyed having these tournaments. Every time there is a tournament...I always posted on Facebook and Instagram the Special Olympics Motto, It's a great motto and I like to remind my friends what Special Olympics is about. I tried to get some great photos of today, so here is some pics I took. I hope you enjoy!
It's still unreal that it's the year of 2018, but it is! So, literally that means...there is only 6 months left until Special Olympics USA games in Seattle Washington!! WHAT...HOW...WHEN... could that be?!?! But in reality, it's true. And I'm very excited to experience this with my whole Missouri Team!! I've been counting the days...and I get more excited when the days past! I know my fellow teammates are very excited, we all being training daily so we can show what the whole state of Missouri can do! GO TEAM MO!! What is your favorite thing memory that happened to you in 2017?? Mine favorite memory selected to be on TEAM MO...of course!!