I woke up at 6am to get ready, Travis and Laurie picked me up at 6:30am. Now we are our way to Jefferson City, MO to the TLC! Today is a very special day, it’s the day we all (Special Olympics Missouri staff & athletes) been looking forward too, it’s the dedication day for the TLC!! It’s 10:39pm, what a day I had!! It was an awesome day at TLC. I gave tours around TLC pretty much the whole morning, I was at the observation deck, which is outside in the back, took a lunch break, then I went to the healthy athlete area, and talked about how healthy athletes had helped me and how it is continuing helping me, and how I want to help my fellow athletes to be healthy! After the evening tours, went to the dedication ceremony, and let me tell you, that was a fantastic ceremony! Saw many new and old faces and that was really awesome! The charter class (charter athletes lined up and got into their seats. After the opening ceremony I went to help at the wine testing, (I didn’t taste the wine lol) everyone who came by and visit our station had a card and I punch a whole in their card, with a hold puncher. By doing that, it will tell them they visit that station and can go to the other stations until they have no more stations to go too. For dinner they had pasta, bbq, fruit and veggies and deserts. At the end of the ceremony I picked one of three names that got prizes. Thomas Cleek (who is on SOMO staff, a charter athlete, did an fantastic job speaking! So that was exciting! It was very a long day, but it was SO worth it!! Please enjoy the pictures!!

Jesse and I was excited to see our Team MO athletics teammate Brett last night!